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Tell.Better.Stories: Storytelling with Food

April 9, 2020 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm | $15




(312) 283-5723

Food connects people to deep emotions and treasured memories.  The companies that can best tell their stories in a way that promotes these emotional connections are best positioned to succeed in today’s crowded (and wildly evolving) marketplace.  In this workshop, we will explore how to identify your internal story (culture), external story (brand), and how to bring them to life.

This workshop is intended to be interactive. If you are able, please plan to share your video and audio so that we can see and hear you! I want you to bring your ideas and your thoughts to bear so that we can have a real discussion.  In my experience, the value in this workshop comes from a dynamic conversation about how to put these ideas into practice right away!


About the Presenter:

Drew Davis is a storyteller and public speaker based in Chicago, Illinois.  His company, Drew Davis Live, is the hub for all of his different performances: live theater, spoken word, poetry, keynotes, and panels on company culture, hospitality, and creativity.

Drew’s entire career has been dedicated to the art of storytelling.  Whether in fitness or restaurants or public speaking, he has always had a natural attraction to moments of impact: the intersection between a willingness to change and the motivation to get started.  

His audiences have ranged from high school students to Fortune 100 companies and many things in between–he is always able to craft his ideas and his message to help his audience feel engaged, motivated, and inspired. 


April 9, 2020
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm


(312) 283 - 5767

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