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Immersion Experiences

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Dive into the world of food and beverage entrepreneurship

We offer specialized opportunities for large consumer packaged good companies, consulting firms, marketing firms, and other food-focused companies interested in learning more about innovations and trends taking place at The Hatchery, in Chicago, and in the industry overall. 

Learn how to innovate and think more entrepreneurially

We help companies gain insights into the entrepreneurial mindset and develop their own strategies for innovation and growth. Our Immersion Experiences are completely customizable and designed around your company’s interests.

Our immersion experiences offer robust programming to take an organization out of their regular day-to-day and introduce them to new ways of thinking.

Some groups like to use them as a team building opportunity, and they can be a way to stimulate thinking about innovation, gain an entrepreneurial mindset, and dive into the startup culture.

They can include panel discussions and special sessions led, documented, and analyzed by our in-house innovationist.

We generally suggest at least 2 days for an immersion, and some groups have gone for as long as a week. A wide range of businesses have benefitted from immersions, including consulting agencies, large grocery chains, and big CPG companies. 

The immersion is tailored very specifically to the needs of the group, and we even make sure that the food and beverage choices throughout the experience, which are always from our members, are directly related to the topics of interest!

What would you like your custom Immersion Experience to include?

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