Legal Aspects of Raising Capital

legal aspects of raising capital course product

Legal Aspects of Raising Capital


Startup companies raising their early capital rounds are usually clueless as to what is entailed on the legal end of the process.  As a result, they often turn to a small firm attorney who practices in a totally different area of the law and knows nothing about securities law (which governs the raising of capital) OR to a large firm attorney who is unfamiliar with startups and the challenges they face (including lack of funds).  This presentation will provide a lay person’s education into what is required legally to protect startups as they endeavor to fund their early-stage operations, attract advisory board members, and first employees in return for small equity stakes and structure relationships with their co-founders. 

Top three takeaways: 

  • How to hire an attorney in connection with their early-stage funding rounds from an educated perspective so as not to be taken advantage of in the process. 
  • Tax-saving strategies and how to use equity to incentivize as they grant equity to early-stage advisors/employees. 
  • Legal tripwires to avoid as a startup. 

This course is available for 30 days from date of purchase.

All courses include Closed Captions and full video transcripts.

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